Recognizing that healing involves the mind, body, and spirit; Windham Hospital has created an integrative healthcare program offering services and education to meet the growing interest in therapies that complement and enhance the medical care we currently provide.

Integrating Ancient Wisdom with High-Tech Medicine
Recent surveys show that more than half of all Americans use some form of complementary or alternative therapy to enhance their healing or maintain their health.
Research has shown that relaxation techniques such as Massage Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, and Reiki help to decrease anxiety, strengthen the immune system, diminish pain, and accelerate healing.
While we often focus on the physical aspects of healing, we are learning that healing incorporates the mind, body, and spirit. When mind-body techniques are used, benefits are often experienced on all three levels and there is often a greater sense of participating in the healing process.
Integrative Medicine Services
Integrative medicine can maximize the body's potential for selfing healing. The benefits of our services are a general sense of well-being, better sleep quality, increased range of motion, improved digestion, pain relief, and relaxation. We are committed to providing the most appropriate and effective treatments for every person.
Integrative Medicine offers therapies and classes designed especially for the needs of cancer patients and their families.
Consider our services for:
- Anxiety and depression
- Arthritis
- Chemotherapy and radiation support
- Immune system support
- Insomnia
- Pain Management
- Stress Reduction
- Surgery preparations and recovery
Services offered:
Reiki Therapy
A Japanese touch therapy that can promote healing. The technique is based on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy and this life force energy flows around us and through us nourishing our cells, organs, and glands.
Medical research shows that meditation can enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This process leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss.
Therapeutic Massage
Provides support to patients to assist in recovery, relaxation, and stress management. Hands-on manipulation of soft tissue can include energy work, movement therapy, and craniosacral and myofascial techniques. Massage facilitates a slowing down and quieting of the mind and body. It also helps relieve stress and pain. All practitioners are licensed massage therapists.
An ancient therapeutic practice of applying pressure and gentle stimulation to sensor reflexes on the feet and/or hands. Stimulating these reflex points helps the body promote healing, reduce stress, open meridians, and release and eliminate toxins from the body. All practitioners are certified reflexologists.
Therapeutic Pet Program
Interaction with pets promotes many positive and beneficial health effects. Pet visits promote calmness, provide a welcome distraction from discomfort and isolation, and may lower blood pressure and heart rate. Pet teams visit patients in designated hospital units monthly and are certified through a recognized therapeutic program.
Yoga Classes
An ancient practice that combines the breath with stretching, strengthening, and relaxation/meditation, yoga cultivates a calm mind, stimulates organ function, and strengthens bones and muscles.
- Learn gentle progressions of movement to stretch and strengthen
- Release stress and tension
- Improve clarity, awareness, and focus
- Use breathing practices to improve overall energy